One thing about being in your twenties is that suddenly you move out. Now this wouldn’t be a problem if I was a clean and tidy person, but I’m not. When I lived with my parents my room looked like a war zone. It was so bad my dad actually started cleaning it for me at times. Now I live by myself, and I love it. The thing is though, now I care how my home looks. Like I literally started caring about having a clean and organized space. And funny thing is, before, I didn’t care if someone came over to my parents house and saw my messy room, but now, if someone would catch my apartment messy, I would lose it.
So obviously this isn’t a bad development that has happened in my life. I feel like I have grown up somewhat and that’s good right. The problem is keeping my space clean all the time. Because as I said, now I care about having a tidy house, however, I still don’t like to clean.
Now, I don’t hate cleaning. It’s just kind of overwhelming when you once a week realize your place looks like shit and you have to do something about it. To then stand up and clean for what feels like hours isn’t the shit. Therefore, today I would like to tell you guys how I keep my home top notch at all times.
First things first, a closing. I work in a cafe. And every evening we do a closing, basically preparing for the morning that comes and cleaning up from the day we have had. This is something I have taken home with me. Now, every night before bed I make sure that everything has been put back where it should be. The dishes are done, the sofa is fluffed, my makeup is put away, you name it. I close my home. This makes sure I wake up to a clean space and things don’t pile up on eachother.
Next, everything has to have a place and serve a purpose. This speaks for itself, I’m afraid. If a certain thing doesn’t serve you any purpose or has a space to be, it gotta go. You can’t collect things and expect your house to be tidy. You got to throw things out that do you no good.
My next recommendation is to do one thing a day. Instead of every Sunday being your cleaning day, have one thing you do every single Sunday, and one for the rest of the days of the week. So for example. On Sundays you wash your sheets and tidy up your bedroom. On monday you clean the kitchen, and so on. This will take you about 30 minutes a day and your home will always feel clean. Plus, you don’t spend one whole day a week cleaning your home, which in my opinion, is a big bonus. You can find a schedule on my Pinterest.
Next I would say, Invite people over. Not only do you benefit from this because you get to hang out with your friends. But now there is an actual reason why you have to clean your home. Hence, you can’t avoid it.
Last thing I would like to share regarding cleaning is something my boss taught me, which is a game. Let’s call this game the “Pick ten things up” game. Basically, that is all you do. You find ten things to put back to its original spot, and when you have reached ten, you’re done. It’s stupid, but effective. Don’t tell my boss that!
Okay, that was my take on how I keep my home clean. Please share with me your favorite tips and tricks on how you keep it tidy at home. Otherwise, I’ll write to you again on Tuesday.
Until next time…
Grew up blog.