What is “Grew Up”

Good morning, evening, or day from wherever and whenever you’re reading this. Hi, hello.

My name is Sara and I’m 21 years of age. Welcome to my blog (insert wow sound in your head). Whether you found me through TikTok, Pinterest, Instagram, or maybe you made a pretty specific Google search, I hope you can find this blog interesting and helpful. 

Now you may be wondering what you are here for, and so do I to be completely honest with you. But I hope we can clear this up together and for you to understand my full intentions with this platform.

The purpose of my blog “Grew Up” is for you and me to find a safe place online to share and learn about life together. I was born in 2003 and part of my childhood consisted of reading blogs. As I grew up, these platforms became less and less popular, and other platforms like YouTube and Instagram became dominant. Therefore, my goal is to bring back the joy that I got from blogs as a child and write about the challenges we face, big and small, as a 20 year-something. 

By writing and reflecting on life, without necessarily exposing my full personal life, I want to create a safe place for you and me to be completely vulnerable and open up fully, without the fear of judgment or comparison. 

Together we will cover the challenging parts of growing up in the 21st century, discuss things like relationships, family, moving, living aboard, lifestyle tips, fashion, economics, school, work, stress, anxiety, and all of the ups and downs that come with being a young woman.  

A blog to read before bed, when you wake up, while in class, or anywhere at any time when you are feeling lost or stressed about life. I hope that you can relate and find comfort in reading about my reflections and ideas, and together create a fellowship between women all over the world. 

Until next time… 

“Grew up” Together.